Please read carefully, how the system will works for you, this system will really pay you. once you registered, you will get cash anytime, system will pay you. even if you do nothing, the system will still to pay you
Note: The main system runs in rupiah (IDR) Indonesian Currency. conversion will be Rp.10.000 = 1 usd
All flows / commission payments is set automatically by the system. Schematic flow of funds / commission. can be explained simply as follows:
After you fill in the Registration Form website, sponsor replica (the web link replicas: eg sponsor your friend is Novelia Manurung (is your sponsor), it would appear the admin account (as the purpose of payment), and then the following below is, the distribution system flows automatically commission:
note: that Latifa Ishak is the sponsor of Novelia Manurung, whereas Reynald Situmorang is the sponsor latifa ishak ....( and then formation always like that)
Once you transfer to the admin and verified, and a replica of your website is activated, if someone (eg name: Dedi) registered in your replica website, (website replica intention is like: the order of the division automatic commission (flow of funds), in a replica of your website is as follows:
After Dedi transfer, and replica website Dedi enabled, if a person (eg name: Budi) registering on the Dedi website replica, division order flows commission in Dedi replica website, are as follows:
After Budi transfer the money, and replica website Budi enabled, if a person (eg name: Nita), registering on the Budi website replica, the sequence distribution of the flow of funds commission, in Budi replica website is as follows:
After Nita transfer, and Nita replica website is activated, if someone (eg name: Dina), registering on the Nita website replica , the sequence distribution of the flow of funds commission, Nita replica website is as follows:
After Dina transfer the money, and a replica website Dina is enabled, if a person (eg name: Rino), registering on the website replica Dina, the sequence distribution of the flow of funds commission, Dina replica website is as follows:
So you will get income / commission, of each person who joins through your replica website, as well as from people who join through replica of your members, as deep as 5 levels. in the commission system. accumulated direct commission calculation in the system and automatically.
Table Commission System
Multi Commission System - Chain Money System
Explanation chain commission table, multi level marketing, in this table is explained how, someone can get money up to billions, only to pay 37 usd, (as payment of access to the largest forex database). The following is a table of how the possibility it could be true:
MEMBER LEVELMATRIX total Member (person) Each member transfer , Per sponsor Level, Into Your Account (Rp) Total money transfer, Per sponsor Level, Into Your Account (Rp) # 0 YOU
# 1 10
50.000 ( 5 usd)
500.000 (50 usd)
# 2 10 x 10
10.000 (1 usd )
1.000.000 (100 usd)
# 3 10 x 10 x 10
10.000 (1 usd )
10.000.000 (1000 usd)
# 4 10 x 10 x 10 x 10
10.000 (1 usd )
100.000.000 (10000 usd)
# 5 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 x 10
50.000 ( 5 usd) (500000 usd )TOTAL MONEY TRANSFER TO YOUR ACCOUNT (Rp.) / USD Rp. 5.111.500.000
5.111.500 USD
Table explanation:
YOU example get 10 members, (disebutmember level-1), which funds are transferred by the member's level-1, into your account are:
= 10 x Rp 50.000,- (5 USD)= Rp 500.000,- (50 USD)
Each member level-1 above, also get 10 new members, (called members of your level-2). Means the number of members of your level-2, is:10 x 10= 100 orang.
Funds that are transferred by the members of this level-2, into your account are:
= 100 x Rp 10.000,- ( 1 usd ) = Rp 1.000.000,- ( 100 usd)Each member level-2 above, also get 10 members, (called members of your level-3). Means the number of members you are level-3: 10 x 100 = 1,000.
Funds that are transferred by members Level 3, your account is:
= 1.000 x Rp 10.000, - = Rp 10,000,000, - ( 1000 usd)Each member level-3 above, also get 10 members, (called members of your level-4). Means the number of members you are level-4: 10 x 1,000 = 10,000.
Funds that are transferred by the member, Level 4, your account is:
= 10,000 x Rp 10.000, - = Rp 100.000.000, - ( 10000 usd)Each member level-4 above also get 10 members, (called members of your level-5). Means the number of members you are level-5: 10 x 10,000 = 100,000.
Funds that are transferred by the member level-5, your account is:
= 100,000 x Rp 50.000, - = Rp 5,000,000,000, - (500000 usd )Your total income:
= 500,000 + 1,000,000 + 10,000,000 +100,000,000 + 5,000,000,000
= USD 5.1115 billion (USD 5.1 BILLION .. Wow!)Jadi ketika anda siap bergabung dengan kami, bila anda mau dan ingin menghasilkan sampai total 5 milyar. pastikan AJAK ORANG untuk mendapatkan minimal 10 teman sebagai member baru! pastikan setiap orang yang akan bergabung siap untuk mendatangkan 10 orang!!�
Your total income is $ 5.1115 billion, - (five billion one hundred eleven million five hundred thousand dollars). The illustration above, ie if each member works to get 10 new members. If every member to get more than 10 new members, of course, the results are far exceeds 5 billion.
Each person must have 10 friends, in their life, then invite !, Only by introducing this business to your 10 colleague, (should anyone), you could potentially get a pretty good income, namely Rp.5.111.500.000, - === 5.111.500 USD WOW!
The system developed is intended to protect consumers, in order to remain in good condition finalsial, or even to buy hosting or website, consumers are expected, will be able to achieve the level of advancement of its business, and more than that, the profit can be increased, from what is produced, from The MLM system.
We are expecting your visit on our social media, to get the best promo promo of, anyone can join with us, and get the business potential and significant profit.